Friday, February 12, 2010


In the beginning of this week's Parshah, Rashi explains the reason for a jewish slave's ear piercing, as a critique on the slave's decision to sujugate himself under another master other than G-D. A simple question may be asked, as to why this lesson was delayed until after six years of servitude? This should have taken place when he upon his being sold initially!
Another interesting curiosity about this, is the gemarah which tells us that since the slave owner must treat him with an equal, if not better, standard of living it is as though the owner acquired a master for himself. Besides for for not being overworked, the Eved must be offered the same dinner as his owner, the same quality mattress, and he gets sick days with his healthcare paid for! So who's actually being subjugated to the other?

We might say that one question infers the answer to the other. During the first six years of slavery the Eved is still not accustomed to his lack of leadership and authority. On the contrary, he views the owner as a great source of income, no different than how a store owner sees his customers. At the time of purchase the Eved truthfully feels that he is becoming a master for his buyer to be taken advantage of. That is when chazal describe the owner as acquiring a master for himself.

However after six years, the Eved has gotten used to following the lead of his owner, and his sense of reliance upon other has grown natural to him. Precisely at the time he declares he'd rather not gain his independance, THEN there has developed a role reversal. The Eved has now become subjugated and the owner finally his master.

This is a powerful lesson for us to be careful of the experiences we expose ourselves to. In as much as we have no real need  for certain things initially, the desire, love, and even addiction to them is just a matter of time. Let's remember who our Master is and not enslave ourselves to others.

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