Friday, June 11, 2010


There is a "Medrash P'liah" (a medrash that seems like an unsolved riddle) in this week's parshah that states as follows:
The pasuk says "Vayikach Korach - And Korach took", Mah lokach? Lokach es haemes! What did he take? He took the truth!

How is it possible to say about this conspiring Korach that he "took the Truth"?!

There are several complicated explanations offered by the commentators, but I think this simple explanation suffices and is quite obvious.

Korach claim against Moshe and Aharon was as follows. "Why do you exalt and empower yourselves over the nation of Hashem? For the whole nation is holy and Hashem is among them!"

While he was wrong for undermining Moshe and Aharon's divine appointment, however, he could not have been more correct  for calling the Jewish nation a holy people.

He took the truth...for ignoble purposes...but the truth indeed!
Often inedeniable facts are misused for crooked purposes. So we find by the miraglim, as they realized that lies won't be believed unless some truth is incorporated into them. Any basic examination of the media world we live in and absorb so much from, will reveal confirm this.

Let us take the truth that Korach so misused and truly see the greatness of every Jew in the Nation of G-D. May we strive to always praise our friends, family, neighbors and evry Jew. "For the whole nation is Holy and Hashem is with them!"

Gut Shabbos! {M.M.}

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