Thursday, June 3, 2010


We learn the the tremendous power and holiness of a minyan from a double 'hekesh' to the worst congregations in the Torah. First to Korach's gang, and then to the evil group of miraglim (see megillah 23b)! If these groups had such a huge affect upon klall yisrael how much more so is the positive affect of joining a group for a good cause!


  1. That can also be the pshat in the well known words of the zohar hakadosh: Even one "Bei Kenishta" - congregation - can bring Moshiach!

  2. Also...The Gemara Sanhdrn 109b darshens that Yaakov Aviny davened not to be mentioned in the Korach scandal and the Meraglim."Besodam al tavo nafshi-eilu meraglim/ Uvkhalam al teichad kvodi -zeh adas korach" Here too we see mraglim and korach put together.
    I saw in a sefer "sefer sarasi al hatorah"- Why does this tefilah of Yaakov find its place in the bracha of Shimon and Levi? In fact Levi wasn't part of the mraglim at all!
    The Answer we can say based on the above dvar Torah is simple: Yakov proclaimed "Shimon Vlelvi achim atem" YOU ARE BROTHERS! Yaakov wanted to praise the attribute of brotherhood and at the same distance himself from misapplied achdus.


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